Grace in Small Things

Thanks to someone I follow on Twitter, @schmutzie, for this idea to start the New Year with:

The concept fits in perfectly with my world-view, on the one hand, of trying to recognize and maintain an attitude of gratitude in life, and perfectly balances out, on the other hand, my strong negative mind of seeing the wrong everywhere.

No guarantees of posts every day as Schmutzie has set herself – if you’ve perused my blog at all you’ve found I’m erratic at best. However, I will throw in some Mindfulness and Grace every once in awhile to share with you.

So, here are some thoughts for today:

The snow from yesterday still lays white and gleaming in the cold New England sun on my lawn and across the street at the neighbor’s. Lovely to look at, lovely to keep in mind as a counterpoint to my preference for spring and summer.

My sweet kitty Tiggy (my avatar pic) lies sleeping near me, still active and loving at over 16 years of age; I tend her with hope that she’ll stay with us a few more.

I am grateful for my children who are all far away from me today. They are strong, positive, whole, healthy, and wonderful. Thank you God.

Given the economy and world the way it is, I’m grateful for a job I love, for a sweet little house to live in, for my hubs’ job in spite of its stresses and strains, for *enough*. I know, those are all big things, but again, something to keep in mind everyday as a source of gratitude.

OK, four is a good number.
Later, tweeps!

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