What to Read Next… if you, or someone in your life, are 5(ish) – or even if not!

One of my very fave bloggers, The Bloggess, also lives at the Houston Chronicle’s Good Mom/Bad Mom blog. She posted a request to her readers the other day to recommend books her 5-year-old daughter and she might enjoy together.

So, here’s the thing about Jenny. EVERYONE loves her. Really. So, when she asks a question, she gets the most wonderful answers and comments. As an inveterate and life-long reader I was truly overwhelmed with the wide-ranging and enchanting selection of books Jenny’s commenters suggested.

I’m going to start up a new TBR library list from the comments. I’m wracking my brain trying to think of situations in which I could volunteer to read to kids, just for the joy of getting to read these books myself, both those I know and the ones I don’t, and for the delight of sharing them. I don’t have any littles in my life at the moment 😦  I wonder about homeless shelters for families, for instance… Any other suggestions??

2 thoughts on “What to Read Next… if you, or someone in your life, are 5(ish) – or even if not!

  1. As a stepmom of a 5-year-old son, we LOVE to read books. Neither one of us can go to bed without reading a bedtime story together. Reading to kids is one of the easiest ways to bond with them while secretly providing them with valuable benefits to their overall well-being. Contact your local coffee shops, day cares and libraries to see if they have a children’s story time. Places like that are always looking for eager volunteers with friendly voices to read to children.

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